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This February
Thursday, February 2, 2012

#don't be rude person. i'm fake! so what?

okay, first. assalamualaikum again. so how's life? okay? alhamdulillah lah ye. siapa yang dah habis sekolah tu seronok lew kan? no homework, no stressed life.. i've a lot of homework. sinopsis novel until 24chapter, history, EA, account, perdagangan, math and science! kill me slowly.. tolong lah, pening tahu tak. 

Bm sekali dua cikgu mengajar. satu nak buad kerja dia, satu lagi kerja cikgu lagi satu.. dengan science nya cikgu ajar laju gila. bila kita cakap "teacher! laju sangat lah!" nanti mula lah hujah dia panjang lebar. so what we can do selain diam je kan? haha, ohsemm and i know it. 

act lari tajuk. k habis mengadu sekarang pergi ke tajuk tu. HI FEBRUARY please be nice and please don't force me too much .. i'm so stressed on first February.. the sad moment okayy.. sebab apa? it's secret leww guys. so okay, Alhamdulillah dah masuk bulan dua. so fast kenn? rasa macam baru je sekolah padahal dah sebulan sekolah. well, dunia semakin tua semakin cepat lah umur dia. emm, tu je. nanti ada masa kita jumpa lagi k Supergirl ;) bye, assalamualaikum

i hope you understand what i want. i just say what i feel. please, stay there to made my day. i hope you'll and i hope i can get what i want from you.. i wish and i hope.. 

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Skins : Aina Syaza
Helped Moha
Image : We Heart it
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